As part of our local Caroline Springs community, we are proud to support our local sporting clubs.

Caroline Springs Cricket Club
CSCC is a multicultural, family orientated club that aims to give the best opportunities for all members of the Caroline Springs community to participate in cricket. Catering for boys & girls from ages 5-65, we have something for everyone and with over 300 active members, we are continually growing both on and off the field and pride ourselves on providing a safe & inclusive environment that helps our community thrive.
Website: carolinespringscc.com.au
Facebook: facebook.com/CSCCFalcons/

Western Warriors Netball Club
Western Warriors Netball Club was founded in 2024 and was granted a licence by Netball Victoria to compete in the Victorian Netball League until 2028. We have a Championship, 23&U and Academy teams. Our club is dedicated in achieving its mission to lead, empower and support our netball community, and creating opportunities for all in the process.
Website: westernwarriors.com.au
Facebook: facebook.com/Westernwarriorsnetball
Instagram: instagram.com/westernwarriorsnetball

Caroline Springs Football Club
Caroline Springs FC prides itself in being a community and family club. We prioritise being one that is inclusive, welcoming and has a safe environment for all.
Based in the heart of town, we currently field teams in all age groups from Under 8’s through to Seniors, for both girls and boys. The club also has an Auskick centre, a thriving netball program for all ages and several social member group options for all to feel part of the club.
The Lakers have grown with the community and are part of the fabric of Caroline Springs.
Website: carolinespringsfc.com.au Facebook: facebook.com/CSFC.Lakers Instagram: instagram.com/carolinespringslakers

Burnside Heights Football Club
Established in 2012, the Burnside Heights Football Club (the “Bears”) has become a home for sportsmanship, camaraderie, and excellence in the heart of our community.
The Bears are more than just a collection of athletes; it’s a family united by a common love for AFL. From the youngest juniors to the seasoned veterans, we provide a nurturing environment where players of all ages and skill levels can thrive. Our commitment to developing talent is evident in the success stories of players who have commenced as Juniors and now proudly play in our Senior team.
Whilst Community is at the core of the Club, it is AFL that is our purpose. From Auskick, to Juniors and all the way through to Senior Men’s and Women’s teams, the Bears have an opportunity for everyone to get involved with the Club.
Website: bhfcbears.com.au
Facebook: facebook.com/burnsidehfc
Instagram: instagram.com/bhfcbears